
"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." - Helen Keller

Fundraising is at the heart of everything we do. There are numerous ways we can raise money and we are always seeking new ideas and sources. Some of the ways that you can personally contribute, without any additional cost to you, are listed below.

No matter how seemingly small every box top or amazon purchase made through Amazon Smile adds up! 

Lake Norman Elementary benefits when you make purchases using the website, app, or card associated with the following:

SchoolStore: Click Here

Box Tops for Education Click Here

Publix Partners Click Here

Harris Teeter Together in Education (School Code: 1695) Click Here

Lowes Foods Cart to Class  Click Here

Though Bi-Lo, Food Lion, Sprouts, The Fresh Market, and Whole Foods are community-minded organizations, they do not have a program to pay out money/goods to our school. Please feel free to contact the school if you know of a partner we can add to our list.